0 %
0 %
Visa Classic
5 € fee
6 € fee
19,5 % p.a.
No management fee
EUR 6 monthly
EUR 12 monthly
Open an online account anytime, anywhere.
Choose an accountEarn interest on your current account
Get a reward for using the account
Debit card
Second card for the account holder
Withdrawals from any ATM in Slovakia
Withdrawals from any ATM within SEPA in EUR
Travel insurance Standard
Get an authorised overdraft with an interest rate
Interest rate + 0,5 % bonus for your savings account
0 %
0 %
Visa Classic
5 € fee
6 € fee
19,5 % p.a.
1,5 % p.a.
1,5 % (max. 7 €)
Visa Classic or Mastercard
Free – once a month
Free – July and August
16,5 % p.a.
3 % p.a.
3 % (max. 13 €)
Mastercard Gold
13,5 % p.a.
Learn how to earn rewards for using selected ČSOB products and services with the Smart Plus and Smart Premium accounts. Don't use any ČSOB products?No worries. Enjoy the benefits of SmartServices+ right after opening an account or set up investing online. All expenses must be paid from the current account at ČSOB to be eligible for the reward.
Calculate your consumer or mortgage loan repayments.
How much do you invest in ČSOB funds on a monthly basis?
How much does your ČSOB insurance package cost you? (You will receive the reward for the insurance payment only in the month in which the insurance is paid)
What are your monthly public transportation or parking costs using the SmartServices+ in the ČSOB SmartBanking app?
EURIndicate the amount of your regular monthly expenses (direct debit):
EURYour monthly reward in EUR
Your account management fee
1,20 €Regular account management fee
6 € Open online Account detailsYour monthly reward in EUR
Your monthly reward in EUR
1,20 €Regular account management fee
12 € Open online Account detailsIf you're just a couple of euros short, try investing in ČSOB funds through the ČSOB SmartBanking app to get the account free of charge.
Got an account in another bank? Transfer it to ČSOB and we'll take care of everything for you. Visit our branch to get set up right away.
Learn more about account transferČSOB SmartBanking is your gateway to modern banking. Find everything you need in our app.
ČSOB SmartBanking is your gateway to modern banking. Find everything you need in our app.
Discover smart services for a better life. Make everyday travel, parking and shopping easier. Straightforward via the ČSOB SmartBanking app.
I want to learn moreDiscover smart services for a better life. Make everyday travel, parking and shopping easier. Straightforward via the ČSOB SmartBanking app.
I want to learn moreCompare all ČSOB accounts and find the best fit for your needs. Switch to a different account in the ČSOB SmartBanking app.
Open the ČSOB SmartBanking app
Go to Products
Select the account you'd like to switch
Select Switch Account
Choose an account that best fits your needs
Scan the QR code and download the ČSOB SmartBanking app
App Store
Google Play
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App Store
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Zriadenie cez web
Otvorte túto webovú stránku pomocou vášho smartfónu
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Zriadenie cez aplikáciu ČSOB SmartBanking
Stiahnite si aplikáciu ČSOB SmartBanking pomocou namierenia fotoaparátu vášho smartfónu na QR kód alebo priamo vo vašom obchode s aplikáciami
V aplikácii kliknite na tlačidlo Chcem sa stať klientom
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Zriadenie cez web
Otvorte túto webovú stránku pomocou vášho smartfónu
Nájdite váš účet a opäť kliknite na tlačidlo Vybrať (Názov účtu)
Zriadenie cez aplikáciu ČSOB SmartBanking
Stiahnite si aplikáciu ČSOB SmartBanking pomocou namierenia fotoaparátu vášho smartfónu na QR kód alebo priamo vo vašom obchode s aplikáciami
V aplikácii kliknite na tlačidlo Chcem sa stať klientom
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Otvorte aplikáciu ČSOB SmartBanking
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Kliknite na Zmeniť typ účtu
Vyberte si z ponuky nových účtov ten správny pre vás
Ak ešte nemáte aplikáciu ČSOB SmartBanking, stiahnite si ju nasmerovaním kamery na QR kód
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Začnite pravidelne investovať do fondov online a získajte investičný bonus 50 EUR na naplnenie snov svojich detí.